Welcome to our Class Website and 5th Grade!!
Happy End of Summer Vacation! This year we will have tables instead of desks, so our back to school supply list will be a little different. The plan is that we will share supplies with our tablemates! So the things on our list will be shared with everyone in the class, except for a few things.
Classroom Shared Supplies
- #2 pencils
- Extra cap erasers
- Red pens
- Blue pens (no black ink please, it’s too close to pencil for correcting and editing)
- Lined, 3 hole punched paper
- Post-it Notes (3x3 size or smaller) & Flags or Page Markers (We use these a TON!! So a refill during the year would be awesome!!)
- Highlighters
- 3-4 dry erase markers
- 2-3 fine point Sharpies
Art Supplies to Be Shared
- Crayons or Colored pencils
- Markers
- Scissors
- Glue Sticks
Things for Yourself That You Won't be Sharing
- 1-1.5 -inch three ring binder
- 5 pocket dividers for each academic subject
- 5- subject notebook (Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts/Writing)
- 3 hole punched folder (heavy duty for homework)
Classroom Consumables Donations-We may ask for more of each as the year wears on.
- Purell
- Tissues
- Table wipes (like Clorox)
Additional Items to Think About
- Reusable water bottle with water-tight cap