Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Welcome to 5th Grade!!!

Welcome to our Class Website and 5th Grade!!

Dear 5-Jenkins Families,

Welcome to fifth grade! I’m so very happy to be getting back to school, and am looking forward to getting to know you all. This is going to be a wonderful and exciting year, filled with learning, exploring, experimenting, and growing as an independent member of our classroom community. We’re going to be spending our days pushing our minds to expand through hands-on explorations, historical reenactments, in-depth research and writing projects, and, of course, traveling to new places through the books we read. You’ll be spending your Science time with Mr. Hanlon, exploring the workings of the human body, investigating the ecosystem, both local and global, and experimenting with the different facets of chemistry. In Social Studies, you’ll be learning about our country’s history, from the first colonies through the founding of our nation, and researching our state and federal government. I can’t wait!

I hope you’ve had a wonderful summer. It certainly has been a very exciting and relaxing Summer for me! At the beginning of the Summer we welcomed a cute chocolate lab puppy named, Godiva “Ivy”,  into our family! Our older yellow lab, Aggie, has finally gotten used to having a new puppy around! My daughter, Emmaline (5), and son, Charlie (8), spent a lot of time at the beach and enjoying the beautiful weather! We went on lots of hikes and swims with the dogs.

This year in our class, you will begin using a variety of tools to further your learning. You’ll try out Khan Academy, Prodigy, Dreambox, Google Classroom, Twitter and Blogger, where our classroom information blog is hosted. On our classroom website you’ll find our nightly homework, helpful math tutorials, school information, and links to websites we’ll use in class.

Before school starts, try logging on to our class blog with your parents. You will find your school supply list there!! You will also find a link to our classroom Twitter! Please leave a sentence or 2 introducing yourself and telling me 1 book you read this Summer. 

Our class information blog can be found by visiting:

I’m looking forward to a great year with you. In order for this to happen, we all need to come to school each and every day with a positive attitude, ready to learn, and open to new ideas. We will spend the first few days of school writing our classroom rules together, and these will become a part of our behavior expectations. It is important that we all (me included!) try our hardest, and show respect for the people in our school community. If we work together, this year will be filled with incredible learning opportunities, a safe environment in which to expand our minds, and, most importantly, FUN!

As the school year approaches I will be getting things ready for our classroom! I can't wait to meet you all. Please respond below and introduce yourself! See you soon! can’t wait to see you all on Monday, August 26th.  Enjoy these last couple of weeks of summer!

Mrs. Jenkins

5th Grade School Supply List

   I wanted to share our class supply list with you all again in case it got missed placed during the Summer!!! Here is a list of things you will need this year in 5th grade!

School Supply List
You’ll only need SOME of each of the supplies to be kept at school. 
I suggest having a storage place at home for the rest that you can access when you need a replacement! 

  • Box of #2 pencils (Ticonderoga - pre-sharpened are great)  If you’re planning on using mechanical pencils, be sure to have extra lead.
  • Extra erasers - cap or handheld (both come in handy)
  • Pencil box or bag
  • 2- to 3-inch three ring binder
  • 4-5 three-hole punched dividers  (one each for English Language Arts, or two if you prefer to keep Reading and Writing as separate sections, Math, and Science, and Social Studies)
  • 3 hole punched heavy duty folder (for Homework/School Papers)
  • Single subject spiral notebook
  • A few colored pens to use for corrections/revisions/edits (please no black ink, it is too close to pencil for correcting and editing)
  • A yellow highlighter 
  • Post-It notes (3x3 size, 1⅞ x1⅞  size, and Flags or Page Markers make great  bookmarks/thinking notes for Reader's Workshop)
  • 3-4 dry erase markers
  • Old (or new) sock or whiteboard eraser
  • Earbuds/headphones
  • Art supplies (labeled with your name): 
    • colored pencils (at least 12-count) or crayons 
    • markers (if desired)
    • 2-4 glue sticks
    • Scissors
Classroom Consumables Donations  We may ask for more of each as the year wears on. Thank you!!!
  • Purell
  • Tissues
  • Table wipes (like Clorox)
  • Ziplock bags